Hello and welcome to week 5 of your Mindset, Mindfulness & Mastery Group Coaching Programme. This week we are focusing all around your productivity. As you well know, there are only so many hours in the day, so making the most of your time is critical. Every minute of your life is gold. Are you treating it that way?
There are two ways increase your output – you can either put in more hours or you can work smarter. I am all for the latter!
Being more productive in your business isn’t rocket science, but it does require being more deliberate about how you manage your time. So this week we are looking at a series of simple but effective strategies for increasing your productivity both in your business but in order to free up more time for you and your own personal development.
This week’s mindfulness practise is in the form of a daily 5 minute gratitude meditation. It is a simple way to meditate because at its core, all you have to do is to reflect on all the people and things you are grateful for. It is important to note that gratitude is not just about being thankful for the good things in your life, but it is about being thankful for everything in your life. There are things in your life which might initially seem bad, but upon further reflection actually, give you an opportunity to learn and grow.
Some gratitude meditation practices also include keeping a gratitude journal. Gratitude journals are not a necessary part of a gratitude meditation practice, but they are an easy way to stay grateful throughout the day without losing sight of what is important. I have included a space for gratitude in your monthly and daily planner.
I will ask for your weekly goals to be shared in our Facebook group.
Our group coaching sessions will take place on Wednesday at 10am and Wednesday at 7.30pm, so please just hop on to whichever time suits you best (I will share the Zoom link in the group for you each week). Please come ready to discuss wins, progress and your weekly goal for coaching in the session.
I will be available for a weekly Q&A and to provide support in the Facebook Q&A thread to help you achieve your goals.
I will ask you to share your weekly successes and we will celebrate progress.
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© 2020 Shereen Hoban