Shereen Hoban Coaching (LTD)

{Shereen Hoban Coaching (LTD)}{Longcroft House 2 – 8 Victoria Avenue London EC2M 4NS}{London}{EC2M 4NS}{United Kingdom}{07966 503775}
Longcroft House 2 – 8 Victoria Avenue EC2M 4NS London,
Phone: 07966 503775

Coach, Consultant or Creative entrepreneur?

This course will take you from inspiration to income: The Conscious Business Accelerator

If you’re ready to change your life by growing a successful business then you’re in the right place. I’m an experienced business coach (PGCert) and work with talented and ambitious clients to fast-track them on the path to profitability, so they can enjoy the kind of self-fulfilment and success they used to think was only possible for other people. The Conscious Business Accelerator is the ultimate course for successful, sustainable business growth. Together we will take you on a journey from inspiration to income.

Got an amazing business that you are ready to supercharge? Great! It’s lovely to have you here! And thanks for checking out my services.

find out more

“Never underestimate the power you have to create a life that makes you truly happy.”


Ditch your self-doubt and become unstoppable. This programme gives you the tools to build a business, embrace your fears and claim a happier, more rewarding life.

- Eliminate self-limiting beliefs
- Reset your thinking on your money making ability
- Cultivate your confidence and become unstoppable 
- Learn mindfulness techniques that combat stress
- Challenge your fears and unleash the power of positive thought 
- Develop the bouncebackability every entrepreneur needs

Shift your mindset to success.


Avoid the overwhelm and feel in control. Secure your dream clients and supercharge your revenue potential. We cover everything you need to hone your strategic thinking and bring about the big picture results you dream of. 

- Learn how to get ultra organised to leverage your time 
- Understand how to build buzz for a successful business or course launch
- Implement strategies convert customers on demand
- Learn how to prioritise and make progress every single day

Focus your strategy to attract customers on demand.


My tailor-made programme has been designed to give coaches, consultants and creative online entrepreneurs a tangible and bespoke course of action. Clarify your business vision and understand exactly how to make it a reality. By-pass the costly mistakes that most start-ups make. 

-Gain clarity on your business model and plan
-Understand who your ideal customers are, and how to find them
-Design winning packages that convert to customers
-Master your branding and how to tell your story
-Gain practical tools on evergreen marketing and social media




We’ll take an in-depth look at your business – what it is you’re trying to create, your vision, your goals and your why. In other words, what is the dream? Just how big do you want your business to be? Just how life changing do you want this venture to become?

Your business, vision and why


Essentially, without an ideal client, you don’t have a business. When you know WHO you’re selling to, you can sell to them more effectively. The more you understand about who they are and what their problems are and how they might already have tried to solve them, the better equipped you are to create the right brand positioning, messaging and narrative and product offering to attract, engage and convert that ideal client into a paying customer.  

Understanding your ideal client


Branding is the DNA of your business and approach. Your brand is how your clients make sense of you and your offering. Through your business aesthetic, your brand tone of voice, the design of your website and the way you package your services you are able to communicate an awful lot about your values and what you stand for. Together we will ensure that your brand generates meaning and that meaning sparks emotional connections which are the fundamental thing you need to inspire in order to convert leads into clients and create a business that’s head and shoulders above the rest. 

Defining your brand and packaging your offering 


In this process we’re going to take a long hard look at your attitudes around money and success and use this as a springboard to help you set your business some exciting (and totally achievable) financial targets. We’ll start by deep diving into your financial past, present and future and then we’re going to be looking at your marketing must-haves for building your business successfully and growing your reach. 



It’s time to talk about pricing and selling. By the end of this process you will: Understand the value of your services. Understand different pricing strategies. Have developed your pricing rationale. Understand the essential elements for effective selling. Have developed a bespoke template for making successful sales calls. Feel confident with how to sell your services.



It’s time to get down to business - literally. We will be covering the essential elements of strategy that you must have in place and will be checking off everything you need to do before going live with your product or service. There’s a lot to cover here but my aim is to give you a really practical and user friendly guide that you can use to inform your business and to launch with confidence.



We’re going to focus on how to grow your audience. We’ll be looking specific measures and actions you can take on different marketing and media platforms in order to attract interest and new clients. We’ll also be covering off how to make your content consistent and how to use it to boost your brand, your visibility and conversion, and all while streamlining your workload. Plus we’ll be examining some of the main principles you need to incorporate into your approach in order to create long term growth. 



This is all about how to optimise your offering to achieve more sales and growth and ultimately lead you to achieve your business vision more quickly.  To optimise means to make something work as well as it can. That means refining and reviewing and taking brave steps to ensure you are not just delivering on your client's expectations but going a little bit further too. 



We’ll be looking at the kinds of networking and business partnerships that can help you to grow your brand and reach your strategic aims. The reason I want to zoom in on this particular kind of partnership is because they are by far and away one of the most powerful strategies to grow your brand awareness, maximise your audience and increase the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. I’m going to get you ready to hit the ground running and primed to start creating your own powerful partnerships.



Every business needs a leader but when you’re the only person in your business it can be difficult to think of yourself as such. That’s one mistake you don’t want to make. While you maybe head of just about everything in your business, failing to think about yourself as a leader is a missed opportunity. In this module I’ll be telling you why and just what kind of business transformation you can expect from taking on a more leadership orientated approach to running your company.



Designed to inspire you to take positive and empowering actions toward getting fully booked. Those two magic words mean that your business is thriving and that you’re doing something right. Hurrah! Fully booked means in demand, it means you’re hot property and that you’re reaching and hopefully even exceeding your targets. So how do you go about getting fully booked? And what to do once you’re already at maximum capacity.



This process is all about giving you the tools to not only push yourself and continually demand the best of your business, but it’s also balanced with strategies for building resilience and carving out headspace and opportunities to practice self-care because as cliched as those two words have become, without a healthy measure of self-compassion and me-time there is only one place for you to end up – Burnoutville – and no one wants to end up there! So let’s get stuck in and then you’re going to be ready to take the world by storm with your incredible new perspective, skillset and vision. There’ll be no stopping you.



Rebecca Kornmehl 

Her gentle manner combined with a methodical approach to business growth gave me the confidence to explore strategies previously deemed way outside of my comfort zone. Our regular sessions gave my progress structure and held me accountable to my goals (whether they were to race forward or rest up); and it was invaluable being able to pepper Shereen with questions in between sessions. Her feedback was always thought-provoking and helped me maintain momentum in the moments I most needed it. I highly value Shereen’s generosity and authenticity. She shared her knowledge, experience and time without reserve; and always honouring my role as the expert on myself. I would highly recommend Shereen as a coach for anyone wanting to achieve their full potential in business and life — and I like to think I know a little about this being a business and career coach myself!”

“With Shereen’s support, I was able to achieve my 6-month business goals in 3 months.



"Before I found Shereen I knew what I wanted for my business but I had no idea how or when I would get there. In the short time we have been working together I really feel as if I am a new person and my business is taking some serious shape. Goals that we set together in the first week, that seemed slightly unrealistic at the time, have been and gone and are now superseded by even bigger dreams that I could have never imagined before. Shereen gives me the confidence to 100% be myself and to step into my light as I share my vision and expertise with the world. Some days I really have to pinch myself when I think about how far I have come in just a few short months. I highly recommend Shereen for her holistic style of business coaching and her enthusiasm, authenticity and genuine passion for entrepreneurs and their journey."

"I feel motivated, in control and excited – both personally and professionally.⠀⠀



”As a new entrepreneur bringing my therapy and mindset coaching practice online, I knew I wanted someone who would provide me with not only the business expertise but also the mindfulness practice that I know to be so beneficial. In many ways I followed my gut intuition and just sensed that Shereen’s energy was going to be a match, and it was. She has been exactly what I’ve needed to help me balance strategic business planning with self-care and pacing."

"I highly recommend her services to anyone wanting to level up with a balanced approach.⠀⠀


Lauren Martin

“From the day I virtually met Shereen, I instantly knew she was the business coach I needed! I would highly recommend Shereen to any business starting up or any entrepreneur. Our sessions are full of positivity and motivation. Shereen keeps me on track to achieve and exceed my personal and business goals. Shereen is a warm, trustworthy, lovely, professional coach - she has given me the confidence and knowledge to achieve anything and everything. If you want to level up and grow your business – all I am saying is, you need Shereen in your life (and business)!!” 

"My business has grown from strength to strength all with Shereen’s support and expertise.⠀⠀

In just 6 months you’ll be well ahead of the game, and will feel able to embrace your future and hit the ground running with a growth-secure business you can feel confident about.

The Conscious Business Accelerator is tailor-made for online entrepreneurs who are serious about making lasting change in their businesses and their lives.

I developed it to give you maximum value and total support.


If you'd                 to...


Feel confident about what you want your business to look like (and know how to make this happen)

Get real about your desires for your life and your business

Learn marketing, social media and pricing strategies that convert to loyal customers 

Network with likeminded entrepreneurs for ongoing support

Spend more time with your family, alongside growing your business.



Live coaching and training INCLUDED


"In less than 6 months we have completed changed the focus of my business, and not only turning it into a legit business but also ensuing my business supports my personal goals."

"After working with Shereen, my team are motivated, valued and engaged, you couldn’t ask for a better ROI."

"My time working with Shereen had been invaluable to moving me on from a very troubled place to a completely new and positive situation in a remarkably short time."

"Not only is Shereen clearly knowledgeable but she also works with heart, with a real wish for your success. Having a coach like Shereen is a great investment for your success!"

"Shereen helped me to validate my ideas, better understand why I was moving in a certain direction, how to move beyond and that and most of all that I wasn’t alone in the work. ”"

"I felt as though, for the first time in years, someone listened to me without judgement. There was no template with Shereen’s work; it felt personal and tailor-made to my own unique situation."


We've got answers


How is the The Conscious business Accelerator delivered? 

All content, audios, workbooks and videos will be available in the exclusive members area, which you will be given access to, after signing up. Course materials are accessible via computer, tablet or smartphone, all you need to do is login. The social side of the course is delivered via my dedicated members App where you will become a part of our The Conscious Business Accelerator community. You’ll be able to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and share advice and insight while getting all the additional support you need to make the most of your own journey.

Do I need a Facebook account to take the course? 

No – our dedicated Members Space is a key part of the The Conscious Business Accelerator programme. It’s where you can connect with your fellow course mates and find support and advice to help keep you on track.

How can I be sure this is right for me and my business? 

The course has been designed to help entrepreneurs and business owners, no matter what stage they are at of their business journey, but for me, it’s not just about work. It’s about making a choice toward a lifestyle an a happiness measure that makes sense for you and your circumstances. It really is about changing not only the future of your business, but about harnessing your happiness and a positive vision for the future. The Conscious Business Accelerator is perfect for anyone wishing to bring about big changes to their mindset, finances and future business success. If you complete the modules and work through the course content with intention, then the results will speak for themselves.

How much of my time will it require each month? 

This is your call. You will ideally be spending 3 hours per week on learning and coaching, but ultimately  spend as much or as little time on the course as you like or need. Watch the videos and connect in the community as and when suits you. But I will say that committing to the course is important, you’ll get out as much as you put in and if you’re looking for change, you have to keep showing up, doing the work and learning along the way.

When does the course start and finish? 

The Conscious Business Accelerator runs for 6 months but the content will be available to members indefinitely in the members area once the course has come to an end.

Is it a live course or self-paced? 

The course runs live for 6 months. Six incredible months where you will be able to reset your mindset, your goals and your happiness to find true confidence, balance and power. Each module will be delivered weekly, but you can go at your own pace. It’s flexible, targeted learning, that’s goal-orientated.

Do you offer payment plans?